This service brings a cost-effective and quick option for those individuals wanting one-to-one sessions.
This brings over 36 years of practice experience to your living room!
No matter whether you are in London or Lisbon, New York or New Zealand the service is available to you.
Outside the UK, we might have to tweak meeting times due to time zone differences but everything is doable.
The service is easy to use. No travelling, rush or inconvenience.
The form(s) below will need to be completed. It is better if you are able to complete the form(s) and send them to me before we meet, this simply saves time in the meeting, freeing us to deal with the issues you want to discuss.
However, we can do them at the meeting if you prefer. Name, Address and Contact information are however needed before we can do anything. So the more you can do prior to the meeting, the more we can discuss things straight away.
Click here for more information and a personal history form for completion.
If you have IBS - Please also click here for the Symptoms assessment form
I look forward to meeting you.