Thank you for taking the time to look at this page and, hopefully, the rest of this site. My intention is for this website to be easy to understand and navigate.
As you have come to a hypnotherapy site, I expect you to know about hypnotherapy and what it is and is not.
There is no hard sell here; this is not a funnel site going on and on, as many do. Rather this site is informational, making it easy for you to make an informed choice.
Before we work together, the first step is the initial consultation.
This is not a hypnotherapy session. This time provides us with the opportunity to discuss your presenting problem(s), your history, the medication used etc, so I can gain a complete understanding of what your requirements are.
Also, you can ask as many questions as you need to ask. I will explain hypnotherapy and the mind-body connection to you. I will ask you questions and be able to tell you how sessions should be expected to proceed and be structured.
If I don’t think I can help you for whatever reason, this is the time I will tell you. It is rare but sometimes happens, and honesty is the best policy.
At this meeting, you are not expected to make any decision to proceed; all you need is to think about what we have discussed, and after careful thought, if you want to go ahead, give me a call or send an email or text and we can make the appointment to get things moving.
The initial consultation is approx. 50-60 minutes and cost £75.00, a very competitive price to receive 37+ years of experience and knowledge!
All my services are currently costed the same. Unlike many other (often less experienced) therapists who have a “Menu of Charges”
I believe all problems affecting the individual's quality of life are important. Why put more value on stopping smoking than dealing with anxiety, grief, or stress management?